
Showing posts from March, 2021

Blog 9 (your spirt animal)

Hello spiritual souls, happy Monday and welcome back to our 9th blog post. We hope you have been reciting our verse everyday with star-crossed arms. Today we will be teaching you about spirt animals and how to discover yours, to find your spirt animal you have to dig deeper than ever before into your soul because you soul holds all the answers to your life so what we want you todo is to find a safe space so that your true spirt can connect to this blog and answer all of these questions true to your soul. 1. whats your favorite color? A: blue                                                            B: yellow                                                       C: red           ...

Blog 8 (spiritual fashion)

 Hello spiritual souls and welcome back to another blog post, today we gonna be talking and teaching you about fashion and how you can use it to reflect your soul into your outfits it’s very important to make sure that your outfit matches how you are feeling that day and how it will reflect into your spirit some great ways to do the amazing tie-dye and matching the colour as to how are you feeling frustrated wear red could be a little bit of frustration maybe you’ve got something at the moment and you’re just not feeling as happy as you could be with and yellow could be feeling really bright and happy today and then you could do rainbow if you’re just feeling amazing and you just want to really give that emotion off to everyone you see you can also get prints now everything that you put in your fashion is really gonna just be in yourself so you really have to think about everything you do and how it will make you feel. You also have to pay attention to the style of tie die that you...

Blog 7(gardening)

Hello spiritual souls and welcome back to the 7th blog post we hope you have been reciting our verse every morning with star-crossed arms. In today's blog, we will be talking about gardening and how it can enrich your soul, spirit and heart when learning how to start a garden it is important to keep your soul very pure, great ways to do this are reciting our verse every morning, and reading our blog every day as this will become a daily habit help you to have a daily routine, ok now for directions 1. you need a location were all the plants your thinking of could grow good like some shade some sun somewhere there is rain but not to much rain also somewhere that you spirt can connect to and you connect to your inner soul, so it has to be somewhere you feel safe.  2.  Now it’s time to choose what you’re going to put into your garden now you’d think that this would only include plants but it’s also essential to put calming items into your garden that let your let your heart ooze i...

Blog 6 (fire twirling)

  Hello spiritual souls and welcome back to paz&maya’s blog. We hope your pure hearts have been practising our verse and by now have learnt it off by heart, and have been saying it each morning with starcrossed after you wake up . Today we will be teaching you about the art of fire twirling and how it can reflect on your inner soul. The top hotspots are Mexico, India, Denmark, Morocco, Thailand and Australia. These are great spots to find and interact with the masters of fire twirling, If you are interested in becoming a fire twirler then keep on reading.               When fire twirling it is essential that you channel all of your spirit and energy because if you lose your focus then you might drop your twirler. There are multiple types of fire twirlers you can use the long staffs or the shorter pois which are little balls of  raupō  and stuffed with newspaper or harakeke.  While learning the art of fire twirling it is imp...

Blog 5 (meditation)

  Hello spiritual souls and welcome back too paz&maya’s blog. We hope y’all been practicing our verse and by now have learnt it off by heart, and have been saying it each morning after you wake up. Today we will be teaching you how to connect and spiritualise into the fantastic world of Meditation. Meditation is a very great skill to have as it controls the way you talk and act and most of all it connects your feelings with the motivation of your body. First off all you will need to shut down your mind and relax. Sit down on a mat. I personally recommend using a mandala patterned one too control and calm your inner mind set. Tune your radio too some nice calming nature music. Cross your legs close your eyes and carefully place your hands together over your cheat so they form a magical and spiritual outer heart. Focus on your breathing pattern and shut down your mind, sit as still as possible. With every breathe push out any bad thoughts and when breathing in replace any bad tho...