Blog 4 (the 6 spiritual laws of yoga)
Hello, spiritual souls welcome back and happy Monday, we hope you have been reciting our verse. Today we are going to be talking about yoga and what it can do to your spiritual soul and physical soul. There are 6 spiritual yoga laws and I am going to be teaching them to you So that you can be a yogi! 1. Law of Pure Potentiality: Everyone's soul is pure on the very inside but sometimes you just need to harness it using yoga. 2. Law of Giving and Receiving: I'm sure you know about if you take you must receive, using yoga you can channel your spirit so that you can give everyone around you the best you. 3. Law of Karma: Karma is very strong doing yoga can balance out your life and give out your best so being calm and doing yoga but you have to make your spirit true. 4. Law of Least Effort: when someone asks you do to something you do it with no resistance and yoga can help with that if you channel your heart. 5. Law of Intention and Desire: I think its self-...